Monday 10 March 2014

Business 2 Community Newsletter - March 10, 2014

Business 2 Community   Business 2 Community Weekly Newsletter
March 10, 2014

Popular This Week on B2C


Upcoming Events


The Future Of PR: Driving Growth With Relevant Content
March 19 — 2:00 pm ET

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Gamification 101: What You Need to Take Engagement to the Next Level
March 25 — 2:00 pm ET

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On Being Human: The Importance of Writing More Engaging Emails
April 3 — 2:00 pm ET

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Raise Capital For Your Startup: How To Create Value Out Of Nothing
April 9 — 2:00 pm ET

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Related White Papers

Marketer’s Guide to Proving and Improving (Content Marketing ROI)

Tracking Phone Leads: The Missing Piece of Marketing Automation

Becoming a Social Business: Integrating Social Software Throughout the Enterprise

More White Papers ›


Reddcoin: When Social Media Meets Crypto Currency by Juergen Hoebarth
The world’s first crypto coin which is dedicated to tipping on social media. Have you ever wanted to give a little “thank you” to all the people helping you on twitter? Or the fans following and retweeting your tweets?
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How CEO Influencers Impact Social Branding on Twitter by Max Fabricant
What happens when we turn the tables and take a look at what the masterminds behind tech-industry companies are up to when they log in to their personal accounts? Crimson Hexagon decided to take a look using Social Account monitors from our ForSight™ platform to see how CEOs of major technology companies communicate their views and interact on Twitter.
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Happy Grammar Day! Top 10 Grammar Tips for Content Creators by Rachel Parker
Yes, campers, March 4 is National Grammar Day, established in 2008 by Martha Brockenbrough, founder of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar (SPOGG) and author of Things That Make Us [Sic] (extra geek points to everyone who gets the pun in that title).
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Marketing Tip of the Week: Stop Ignoring Google+ by Donna Papcosta
We’ve all heard the jokes: “Google+ is a ghost town.” “Only Google employees use Google+.” Ha ha. Well, the joke’s over, my friends. If you care about content marketing, search engine optimization, Google Authorship and communicating with your audience, Google+ has become essential, and you ignore it at your peril.
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How to Do Google Plus SEO by Navneet Kaushal
Google Plus is more than just a social networking site. It can be a way to boost your business and traffic to the website. Most of the Internet marketers are using social networking platform as the way to share information, get attention, reach out to potential business, and get success in the business.
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Editor's Picks

How to be an Effective Listener by Donna Thomas-Rodgers

How to Set Up Google Places For Your Business by Spencer Frandsen

10 Powerful Ecommerce Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2014 by Kinjal Adeshara

7 Tools for Lean Content Marketing by Ally Greer

SEO & Web Design Myths Debunked for 2014 by Charles Heitz

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