Tuesday 1 July 2014

Five smart ways to file tax returns

Five smart ways to file tax returns
Filing tax returns has become simpler but many still find it cumbersome. Here's a step-by-step guide.
10 strategies for combating inflation
Inflation is once again on the boil. Here are a few strategies that can help you fight the incessant march of prices.
Should you invest in emerging market funds?
If you are well invested in Indian stocks and want to diversify your portfolio, emerging market funds could throw up opportunities.
Should you bet on agricultural stocks now?
If the threat of a drought causes a correction in agricultural stocks, use it to enter quality scrips that have a strong track record of growth.
Is it time to sell or buy railway infrastructure stocks?
Rising railway infrastructure stocks could see a fall after the railway budget is tabled. Those looking to enter should wait for market corrections.
Quote of the week
"This is a crossroads moment for India, a point at which things could go very positively or very negatively."
Subir Gokarn Former Deputy Governor
Finances of the Narangs are on track, but their goals need tweaking

Family Finances

IT professional, Puneet Narang has never invested in stocks and his investment portfolio is divided between real estate and fixed income instruments.
How to deal with a huge deficit and big expenses

Financial Planning

Plugging loopholes to check tax evasion is the only solution in sight for the government to increase its revenues and bolster its finances.
Foradian Technologies: How 6 childhood friends are making big bucks from the educational venture

Money-making venture

Foradian Technologies is a Rs 5-crore firm providing enterprise resource planning solutions to educational institutions.
How Lovleen Bhatia turned Edureka into a Rs 30 crore venture in 4 years


Edureka broke even in April 2013 and went on to increase our customer base 20 times in 2013-14, clocking a turnover of Rs 30 crore.

Financial Calculators

Plan your car
Plan your car
Car cart!
Use this calculator to find out if it is worthwhile to shift your home loan to another bank? Just enter the data and click next. It's that easy.
Home Loan Refinance
Home Loan Refinance
Should you refinance your home loan?
Find out how much you will have on retirement with different combinations of savings, percentage returns, time to go and tax rate.
The colleague who keeps to himself may never reach his full potential as a professional because he did not put enough value on these critical life lessons.
Investing is a lot like football. Here is how you can build a world-class investment team and achieve glory in the investment field.
The only negative aspect of this divestment is that the share of hydro projects, which have very low operating costs, would fall from 30% to 10%.
If one has long-term goals which need protection from rising inflation, one needs equities and the capital appreciation they provide.
Stock exchange is to make risk capital available to entrepreneurs. HFTs make money while adding no value to the process, which amounts to rent seeking.
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