Thursday 14 February 2013

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Dated:February 14,2013
Top Headlines

India's downgrade risk present: JPMorgan Asset Management

"It is important to recognise that growth has slowed down considerably. It is no longer a negative surprise that growth is at 5%-5.5%".

ECB survey sees lower eurozone growth in 2013, 2014

"According to the respondents, the main factor behind the downward revision for 2013 is the weaker than expected", ECB said.

After Cognizant, Infosys too sounds alarm on 'oversupply' of IT grads

An additional 1.7 to 2 lakh jobs are expected to be created in 2013, but 7-8 lakh IT graduates are coming every year, said Kris Gopalakrishnan.

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Obamafound the copters too exorbitant to pass muster in 2009. But Indian govt had no such qualms & inked Rs 3,546-cr deal.
More romantic relationships are being reported at the workplace, even as male and female executives do the long, hard hours, shoulder-to-shoulder.
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Market Round-up
SENSEX 19497.18 -110.90
NIFTY 5896.95 -36.00
NASDAQ 3110.78 -6.72
DJIA 13534.89 27.57
RS/$ 54.81 -0.20
NSE Gainers
Scrip Price(Rs.) %Change
Emmbi Polyarns Ltd.
12.65 + 11.95
AML Steel Ltd.
6.65 + 10.83
Crest Animation Studios L
9.20 + 9.52
Amarjothi Spinning Mills
50.00 + 8.11
GKB Ophthalmics Ltd.
21.60 + 8.00
NSE Losers
Scrip Price(Rs.) %Change
Prime Securities Ltd.
6.20 -19.48
Celestial Biolabs Ltd.
10.95 -14.79
TV18 Broadcast Ltd.
28.25 -13.74
Madras Fertilizers Ltd.
13.05 -13.00
Lakshmi Energy & Foods Lt
21.10 -12.81

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