Saturday 16 February 2013

The Economic Times Daily Newsletter

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Dated:February 16,2013
Top Headlines

Mauritius offers zero customs duty regime for Indian cos

Indian cos setting up shop in the island nation will not only enjoy duty-free regime but also gain preferential access to EU and Africa.

US bill: 'Startup 3.0' to woo Indians and Chinese talent

The bill has the support of top organisations like Microsoft, Google, NSBA, CTIA, CEA, Silicon Valley Leadership Group, and others.

Chopper scam: Joint team of CBI, Defence Ministry to visit Italy tomorrow

Sources said two members of CBI comprising DIG-level officer and a law officer besides officers from the Defence Ministry will be part of team.

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Instead of a banking collapse or too much debt, fears are growing that countries are using their currencies as an economic weapon.
More romantic relationships are being reported at the workplace, even as male and female executives do the long, hard hours, shoulder-to-shoulder.
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Market Round-up
SENSEX 19468.15 -29.03
NIFTY 5887.40 -9.55
NASDAQ 3110.78 -6.72
DJIA 13534.89 27.57
RS/$ 54.81 -0.20
NSE Gainers
Scrip Price(Rs.) %Change
Karuturi Global Ltd.
3.20 + 18.51
Ess Dee Aluminium Ltd.
344.40 + 17.10
Cybertech Systems & Softw
14.50 + 14.62
Spectacle Infotek Ltd.
2.25 + 9.75
Radaan Mediaworks (I) Ltd
1.70 + 9.67
NSE Losers
Scrip Price(Rs.) %Change
Mahindra & Mahindra Finan
201.80 -80.00
Sudar Industries Ltd.
121.35 -19.98
Gammon India Ltd.
26.40 -19.01
GKB Ophthalmics Ltd.
18.65 -13.65
Prime Securities Ltd.
5.40 -12.90

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