Saturday 9 February 2013

The Economic Times Daily Newsletter

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Dated:February 09,2013
Top Headlines

Finance ministry hopeful of 5.5% GDP; says CSO may have missed upturn

GDP growth for the current fiscal could be higher than that forecast by the Central Statistical Office (CSO), the finance ministry has argued.

Afzal Guru hanged: When Supreme Court took away right to life from him

SC had while upholding Afzal Guru's death sentence had termed the attack on Parliament in 2001 as an unparalelled assault on the supreme seat of democracy.

Mahindra & Mahindra to acquire 26% stake in defence JV with BAE Systems

Mahindra and Mahindra today said it will acquire 26 per cent stake in its defence joint venture with BAE Systems, ending their three-year old partnership.

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Tata Group Chairman Emeritus Ratan Tata along with eight Indian Americans has been elected to the prestigious National Academy of Engineering.
The deficit narrowed sharply in December because exports rose while oil imports plummeted.
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Market Round-up
SENSEX 19484.77 -95.55
NIFTY 5903.50 -35.30
NASDAQ 3110.78 -6.72
DJIA 13534.89 27.57
RS/$ 54.81 -0.20
NSE Gainers
Scrip Price(Rs.) %Change
TCI Finance Ltd.
32.70 + 16.99
Xchanging Solutions Ltd.
16.10 + 15.00
New Delhi Television Ltd.
69.45 + 9.97
Subex Ltd.
12.50 + 9.64
Dynacons Systems & Soluti
4.35 + 8.75
NSE Losers
Scrip Price(Rs.) %Change
20 Microns Ltd.
43.80 -20.00
Shasun Pharmaceuticals Lt
85.20 -13.45
Gujarat Lease Financing L
2.40 -11.11
Quintegra Solutions Ltd.
1.30 -10.34
Crest Animation Studios L
10.60 -10.16

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