Sunday 17 February 2013

Video on launching of Light a home project

Video on launching of Light a home project

Video on launching of Light a home project

Posted: 17 Feb 2013 02:23 AM PST

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Dear Ones,
Click on the link below to watch the launching of Light a home project by the Art of Living.

Light A Home initiative laid its foundation during October 2012. The aim of this initiative is to bring clean and affordable lighting to 360 million people in India living in 74 million rural households who do not have access to electricity. A majority of these people rely on kerosene and other fuels to meet their lighting needs, which is hazardous to both their health and to the environment.

Till now, the Light A Home Project has touched lives of more than 6,000 such people by providing solar home lighting systems to 1,100 such homes in Bihar, UP, Assam and Jharkhand. The vision is to reach out to 1,00,000 unelectrified homes by 2015.

Let us become part of this beautiful initiative bringing light to many lives.

Jai guru dev

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