Monday 15 July 2013

Business 2 Community Newsletter - July 15, 2013

Business 2 Community   Business 2 Community Weekly Newsletter
July 15, 2013
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Making Mobile Personal: Increasing Leads and Conversions with Contextual, Individualized Mobile Experiences
Wed July 17 — 2:00 pm ET

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Beyond Social: Why Traditional Relationships Matter
Wed July 24 — 2:00 pm ET

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FEATURED ARTICLE:  Creating Awareness And Raising Donations Via Social Media #SistersByHeart
Business 2 Community will donate $1 for every social share of this article up to 1,000 social shares. Read More!

How to Do Real-Time Content Marketing by Ben Richardson
Real-time content marketing, when done well, isn’t quite as spontaneous as it seems. It requires careful planning – but already I’m getting ahead of myself! For success in real-time content marketing, try these seven preparation steps. Read More!

Inbound Marketing Strategy: Tips for Getting Positive Online Reviews by Shannon Fuldauer
According to a recent survey conducted by Dimensional Research, 88 percent of respondents have been influenced by an online customer service review when making a buying decision. Today’s consumer is not receptive to traditional push marketing tactics. Rather, they search out a product or service that solves a problem or meets a need. Read More!

18 Signs You're a Seriously Terrible Social Media Manager by Jen Barry
Maybe you won’t make a sale or reach out to new customers, but who cares when you’re making money for doing nothing? You probably won’t worry much about metrics, but how can you worry about that when your adoring social media fans are waiting? Instead, you can do these things to keep a social media presence without a lot of effort (or results). Read More!

5 Tips on How to Write Epic Blog Articles by Timothy Carter
A good blog should increase traffic to your website and create a devoted fan base of people who want to read more about your views, your business, and plans. Some people have a special touch when it comes to writing blogs. Even if you feel completely talentless, you can use these five tips to write epic blog articles. Read More!

Your Social Media Strategy Could Be Killing Your Website by Ali J. Taylor
So you’ve read every tutorial, e-book and “Top Ten” article about how to integrate social media into your website. You’ve joined every social media site known to man. You or someone you know who’s “good at that computer stuff” stuffed every icon, feed, or social sharing widget you could get your hands into your website… Read More!

Editor's Picks

Reading These Creative Writing Tips Made Me Become a Better Writer by Garrett Button

Why Coca-Cola's 'Share a Coke With…' Campaign is a Stroke of Content Genius by Deborah Bates

Jaguar Marketing: How the Car Company Got Me Hooked by Eugene Farber

7 Ways to Feed the Content Beast by Rebekah Meyer

How to Wrangle a Room Full of Writers by Gigi Griffis


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