Friday 8 March 2013

Art of Living Updates (in this message: 3 new items)

Art of Living Updates (in this message: 3 new items)

The World Meditates 2013: Meditate with Sri Sri and people from across the globe

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 11:23 PM PST

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Dear Ones,
The World Meditates 2013 will be the meditation which will join the largest number of countries in history. On the 19th of March, thousands of people from around the world will meditate for peace.

"In the Vedic Calender, the year 2013 is said to be the year of Victory. Victory of the Good over Bad.It is said to begin in the end of march." ~ Sri Sri

Let us meditate with Sri Sri and the whole world to celebrate the New Beginning of the Year of Victory.

Click on the link below to watch the webcast of the meditation with all upto date information on the upcoming events

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5 secrets to weight loss

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 11:00 PM PST

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With the advent of fast food, fast life style there came a silent killer who occasionally made rounds on the daily tabloids. Now we have the whole world talking about it - obesity. People are more aware of it than before and no stone is left unturned to counter-attack it. Most of the common question which comes to us while countering is the way to choose a good path to shred those love handles into six packs or to have a picture perfect summer body.

There can be many ways to lose weight, one can opt for weight training, cardio workouts, circuit trainings but the core ingredients on these paths are dedication, approach, commitment, disciplined lifestyle. Today we look at 5 best secrets that yoga has to offer on weight loss. These tips when put into practice into your regular lifestyle can help you tone your muscles and reduce your weight.

Click here to read those 5 secrets to weight loss....................

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Michael Fischman : Stumbling into Infinity

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 08:00 PM PST

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Michael Fischman is the author of the multi-award winning memoir, Stumbling Into Infinity: An Ordinary Man in the Sphere of Enlightenment, and a founding member and former president of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's U.S. Art of Living Foundation.

Having been associated with Art of Living since 25 years, he shares his views about Spirituality and his spiritual journey.

Q: You gave up a successful career to follow a spiritual path. What inspired you to do that?
Michael Fischman: I was always looking for my purpose in life, and a way to contribute in a bigger way. I knew that my advertising career wasn't right. Of course, people don't have to give up their careers or family to lead an integrated spiritual life or to make a contribution. But in my case, I was searching. I guess I was also responding to the need of the time, with this start-up spiritual organization, though I didn't think of it that way then. The real answer to your question is that the first time I assisted Sri Sri with an Art of Living Course, in 1989, it was a high I had never experienced in the working world, or anywhere. I was so inspired, and happy to be involved in something that was so beneficial. I continued to feel a greater connection to life as I kept helping. There was so much satisfaction.

Click here to read more such interesting QnAs with Michael Fischman : Stumbling into Infinity

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