Wednesday 13 March 2013

Link between currencies, commodities and equities series 25




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The outlook for this Index should determine your investments – Link between currencies, commodities and equities series 25

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Link between currencies, commodities and equities-series 25 -Why you should follow this Index 

In contrast the benchmark US equity index the Dow Jones Industrial Average has returned a positive 17% over the last two years, outperforming the Shanghai Composite by a whopping 42%. India has not seen the benefits of lower commodity prices with the Sensex rising by just 1% and the Indian Rupee tanking by 22%. Table 1 gives the returns of various asset classes over the last two years. 

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Have a good day



Arjun Parthasarathy

Editor: Investors are





Information herein is believed to be reliable but the editor of Investors are Arjun Parthasarathy does not warrant its completeness or accuracy. Opinions and estimates are subject to change without notice. This information is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument. The financial markets are inherently risky and it is assumed that those who trade these markets are fully aware of the risk of real loss involved. Unauthorized copying, distribution or sale of this publication is strictly prohibited. The author of the articles may have investments in instruments that are the subject of the articles.

Copyright © 2011 by Arjun Parthasarathy. Navi Mumbai. India



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