Monday 15 April 2013

Is it time to dump gold from your portfolio?

Is it time to dump gold from your portfolio?
Gold prices have slipped in the past six months and the near-term outlook is bearish. Find out if it's time to dump the metal from your portfolio?
Conservative investor? Invest in balanced funds
If you are a conservative investor venturing into equity, balanced funds can be your first choice.
Seven sins that are costing you money
Always remember the first budgeting lesson: separate your expenses into discretionary, necessary and luxury.
Buying house in a bank auction? Take care of additional costs
The bank usually offers the house at a discount of 15-20% to the market price, but there may be additional costs that you should be aware of before buying one.
Online investing: Tips to manage your investments through portals
Several portals offer the convenience of investing for multiple products. Here are the things you should know before you do.
Quote of the week
"There are very few places or sectors left to hide in."
Shankar Sharma First Global
High surplus, focus on equity to help Bhats reach goals

Family Finances

“I realise that I have not invested enough in equity and, hence, have begun by putting money in mutual funds", says Harish Bhat.
Why investors refuse to pay

Financial Planning

Sebi has asked the advisers to choose by 20 April if they want to be distributors of products taking commissions, or become advisers who can only take a fee from investors. Vishesh Jayawanth's online book hiring facility helps engineering students save costs

Money-making venture

The first online book hiring facility for engineering students in Karnataka helps combat the high cost of books.
Zicom: Pramoud Rao's Rs 484 crore security solutions company


Despite an unimpressive education, Rao tapped his entrepreneurial skills to set up a security solutions company, Zicom, that has grown to a Rs 484 crore company with a worldwide presence.
Check out funds that have fared well in different time spans

Top Funds

To select the most reliable equity funds, ET Wealth analysed 349 and came up with 14 that have fared well in different time spans.

Financial Calculators

Plan your car
Plan your car
Car cart!
Use this calculator to find out if it is worthwhile to shift your home loan to another bank? Just enter the data and click next. It's that easy.
Home Loan Refinance
Home Loan Refinance
Should you refinance your home loan?
Find out how much you will have on retirement with different combinations of savings, percentage returns, time to go and tax rate.
Your financial plan will go awry if you do not consider how inflation or other factors will affect your goals.
I am not entirely pessimistic about some of the critical reforms, such as the land acquisition bill, and insurance and pension bills, being pushed through.
Improve the quality and add zany effects to your phone pictures by downloading these apps in your smartphone.
Due to its strong brand name, Godrej Properties typically quoted at a significant premium to other players, the reason analysts avoided it by giving it a low rating.
Pal’s love for finance and the desire to rise swiftly in his career prompted him to switch from hotel to banking. After 12 years, he’s back in hospitality.
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