Tuesday 5 March 2013

The Economic Times Daily Newsletter

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Dated:March 05,2013
Top Headlines

CAG finds lapses in Rs 52,000-cr farm debt waiver scheme

CAG found instances of tampering of records and pulled up Department of Financial Services in FinMin for deficient monitoring of the multi-crore scheme.

'Govt to help KFA financiers repossess grounded planes'

ILFC, one of the world's largest leasing firms, sent a team earlier this year to repossess planes from Kingfisher for unpaid bills.

Work from home practice to stay in India: Experts

The decision by Yahoo to ban work from home plans has set off a debate as to whether this was a wrong decision or a necessary evil.

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India-origin Jain has long been speculated to be a potential candidate to succeed the octogenarian investor at Berkshire Hathaway.
Currency dealers expect rupee to weaken further to 56 per dollar, losing about 2% as local currency remains fundamentally under pressure.
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Market Round-up
SENSEX 19143.17 265.21
NIFTY 5784.25 85.75
NASDAQ 3110.78 -6.72
DJIA 13534.89 27.57
RS/$ 54.81 -0.20
NSE Losers
Scrip Price(Rs.) %Change
Spectacle Infotek Ltd.
1.70 -15.00
Transwarranty Finance Ltd
7.30 -13.61
Inventure Growth & Securi
6.00 -12.41
Bedmutha Industries Ltd.
10.50 -10.26
Plethico Pharmaceuticals
149.80 -9.98

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