Wednesday 6 March 2013

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Dated:March 06,2013
Top Headlines

Indian economy expands more than China in February: HSBC

India expanded at a faster rate than China in February even as emerging market economies witnessed a moderation in economic growth, an HSBC survey said today.

Share of exports in India's overall GDP rises to 17.7% in FY12

The share of merchandise exports in the country's GDP has increased from 13.9 per cent in 2009-10 to 17.7 per cent in 2011-12, Parliament was informed today.

AirAsia gets FIPB nod for setting up new airline in India

At the Finance Ministry there were some ambiguities on whether the revised FDI in aviation rules are applicable to new JVs or only existing companies in the sector.

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Spain's Amancio Ortega, elevated by Forbes to become the third richest person in the world, may have discovered fashion's secret of eternal youth.
Currency dealers expect rupee to weaken further to 56 per dollar, losing about 2% as local currency remains fundamentally under pressure.
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Market Round-up
SENSEX 19252.61 109.44
NIFTY 5818.60 34.35
NASDAQ 3110.78 -6.72
DJIA 13534.89 27.57
RS/$ 54.81 -0.20
NSE Gainers
Scrip Price(Rs.) %Change
Kiri Industries Ltd.
9.00 + 20.00
La Opala RG Ltd.
358.30 + 19.99
Sabero Organics Gujarat L
87.00 + 19.67
Tamilnadu Petroproducts L
12.25 + 19.51
Zuari Global Ltd.
80.45 + 19.45
NSE Losers
Scrip Price(Rs.) %Change
Amar Remedies Ltd.
17.20 -9.95
Euro Ceramics Ltd.
6.85 -8.05
Simplex Castings Ltd.
50.00 -7.15
Gemini Communication Ltd.
2.60 -7.14
Timbor Home Ltd.
23.90 -7.00

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