Monday 5 May 2014

Business 2 Community Newsletter - May 5, 2014

Business 2 Community   Business 2 Community Weekly Newsletter
May 5, 2014

Upcoming Webcasts


How to Take Action with Social Insights
May 6 — 2:00 pm ET

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Social Listening – Gateway to Innovation
May 14 — 2:00 pm ET

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Driving a Highly Personalized Customer Experience
May 21 — 2:00 pm ET

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The Success of Visual Brands: How to Measure the Value of Instagram
May 27 — 2:00 pm ET

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Facebook Lead Gen on a Shoestring Budget
May 28 — 2:00 pm ET

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Featured White Papers

Profit-Driven Digital Marketing

B2B Selling in the Age of the Customer

The Inbound Marketer’s Guide to Earned Media

The Definitive Guide to Social Marketing

The New Social Media IQ

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Popular This Week on B2C

Six Differences Between Customer-Focused Companies and Operations-Focused Companies by Shep Hyken
Some companies really understand customer service. They know how to hire for it, train for it and deliver it. Other companies claim to give customer service, but in reality, they are grounded in an operations mentality with rules and policies that allow for little flexibility, preventing them from being anything more than just average or satisfactory.
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How to Properly Use Hashtags in Your Social Media Marketing by Pam Dyer
They enable content marketers get in front of their target audience and identify social media conversations that are relevant to their business. Only 24% of tweets include hashtags, but those that do receive twice the engagement of those without them. When used well, hashtags can be powerful tools that drive brand recognition, increase reach, build community, create buzz, and positively impact customer loyalty.
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10 Things Successful Content Marketers Do by Rachel Parker
If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that what makes a good — even great — content marketer isn’t how many books they’ve read, how many webinars they’ve attended, or how many times their moms have liked their Facebook posts. It’s what they do that makes the difference, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.
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Why Sales Leaders Are Falling in Love With Social Selling by Ross Simmonds
Have you ever thought about using social media to make the first contact to a prospect or lead rather than email? I know I didn’t until I was chatting with a colleague who mentioned he was seeing a 50% better response rate.
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Why You Can’t Separate Sales and Marketing by Ian Altman
I’m often asked the question, “Do you work with people on the marketing side or the sales side?” It makes me laugh. Sales and marketing shouldn’t be on separate sides. Imagine this, you do some research on a company and read a bunch of content on their website. It intrigues you, so you ask to speak with a salesperson. The salesperson has a different message from what you had already read or heard. How does that make you feel? At that point, you are at best confused, or at worst no longer trusting of their message.
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Editor's Picks

Happy 4th Blog Anniversary! 10 Fun Facts About Business 2 Community by Brian Rice

Choosing the Right Platform For Your Business: Pros and Cons of 4 Major Social Media Platforms by Sarah Greesonbach

Time to Start Looking at HR as a Profit Center by Jacob Shriar

10 Reasons Why Personal Branding is a Requirement for Marketers & Business Leaders by Pam Moore

What Makes Businesses Pinteresting? by Leslie Raney

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