Thursday 7 November 2013

5 Easy Ways to Fake Confidence

PayScale PayScale Salary News

November 2013

How to Fake Confidence in 5 Easy Steps

confidenceConfidence is important, whether you're interviewing for a new job or trying to get promoted at the one you already have. Even if you're completely happy where you are on the corporate ladder, being confident will help you persuade other people to support you, which is essential for getting buy-in for your projects and achieving your goals. But what if you're not a naturally confident person?

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What's the Best Time to Ask for a Raise?

ask for a raiseTiming is everything. Ask for a raise at the right time and for the right reasons, and you just might get it.

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5 Traits That Lady Gaga Has That Every Professional Needs

lady gagaLady Gaga know what she's doing when it comes to personal branding, and more professionals could learn a thing or two if they followed her example. Here are five of the international pop star's traits that every professional needs to create a successful personal brand.

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The 10 Worst Job Hunting Tips Ever

bad job hunting adviceThe average number of people who apply for any given job is 118, with only 20 percent of those applicants being awarded an interview, according to a Forbes article. If you want to secure your chances at being part of that 20 percent, then be sure NOT to follow these 10 pieces of job hunting advice.

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Crowdfunding Your Salary: Wave of the Future or Financial Nightmare?

crowdfunding your salarySites like and have put crowdfunding for creative projects on the map, but can the same model be successfully applied to an individual's salary?

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