Saturday 9 November 2013

Discover the Intelligent Shopper in You!

Discover the Intelligent Shopper in You!

Discover the Intelligent Shopper in You!

Posted: 08 Nov 2013 07:46 PM PST

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Who doesn't feel the need to shop?
Stores stand tall because we alone cannot meet all our needs; we depend on them. The whole mechanism works perfectly fine as long as we know what to buy and when to buy. But how often are we aware of this? Shopaholics indulge in shopping for more than they want or can afford to have, out of the sheer pleasure they derive from shopping.

But what made them shopaholics? We've dug up four main reasons that make people shopaholics:

1 - I'll buy what I couldn't buy as a kid
A classic example: "As a kid, I wished to have the best dress and the best shoes in the world; the best video game too. But Mum and Dad never allowed me to buy them. Now that I earn, I can also spend. Let me indulge in shopping!"

2 - Attempting to get rid of a feeling, may be of pain, fear, stress…
A classic example: "I am stressed out with work, life, relationships. But when I enter a store, I forget all this and life becomes beautiful. Shopping is my stress-buster."

3 - The pampered kid at home:
A classic example: "I was always pampered as a kid. It continues as I have grown older. Now I pamper myself."

4 - We have money in hand, so let's spend!
A classic example: "I earn to spend. Now that I have money in hand and credit cards in my wallet, why not spend? What will I do by stacking notes in my bank?"

And the Way Out..............

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